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  • Customs Specialist

    Customs Specialist


    Responsible for standard declaration ofimport and export products; sort out materials in customs declaration andinspection according to requirements.

    Responsible for the classifying of importand export commodities, and consulting of the import and export clearanceservices. 

    Responsible for the pre-entry,verification, and declaration of QP system.

    Responsible for handling customs spotinspection, communication and explanation.

    Responsible for the follow up monitoring ofcustoms declaration form coordinating with the customs.

    Responsible for any work assigned bysuperiors.


    Bachelor’s degree or above, with more thantwo years of related work experience;

    Familiarity with the procedure of importand export customs declaration; familiarity with the laws and regulations ofcustoms, state inspection department and related departments;

    Certain ability of communication andcoordination;

    Proactivity in work, strong responsibilityand team spirit, certain ability to handle stress and to obey instructions;

    Certain foundation in English and basicMicrosoft Office operations


    Remarks: Please send your CV

  • 商务岗


    1.  具备较好的语言表达及沟通协作能力,较强的客户服务意识;

    2.  工作积极主动,责任心和团队意识较强,具有一定的抗压能力。



  • 2021

    Be recognized as Key Customer in Transaction by Bank of China Shenzhen Branch

    Become the core supplier of SGS for four consecutive years

    Be Certified as Enterprise Observing Contracts and Valuing Credit for four consecutive years

  • Be the Most Professional Supply Chain ServiceProvider Globally


    The company stands by the managementconcept ‘customer oriented and service based’ building a formal, legal andcredible long-term partnership with our customers in a flexible and efficientway. CGC aims to create bigger value for customers using our professionalknowledge and devotion. We hope to achieve a win-win situation by creatingbenefits for society and economy at the same time, realizing the goal of‘becoming the most professional supply chain service provider globally’.

  • 2013

    Became one of the major supply chain suppliers for Samsung Electronics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (4G operations)

    Be first listed companies on Qianhai Equity Exchange (Shenzhen),Code 660045

    Title Sponsor of the 11th year celebrationgala of Tsinghua University-Chinese University of Hong Kong ExecutiveMasterofScienceinLogisticsandSupplyChainManagement

    Participated in the launch of Sinotrans-Yunyintonge-commerce platform and bank credit contract signing ceremony, getting a 140million RMB credit intent

    Honored as the Diamond Customerin 2013 for international business of China Construction Bank

  • 2012

    Certified as Grade AA Enterprise by General Administration Of China Customs

    Became member of Shenzhen Logistics and Supply Chain Management Association (LSCMA)

    Expanded and moved to Futian Free Trade Zone

    Honored as the Diamond Customer in 2012 for International Business of China Construction Bank

  • Procurement

    When faced with multiple procurement operations from multiple suppliers, CGC can provide services to domestic and foreign customers by consolidating advantage resources, including procurement services like order management, import and export customs clearance, capital settlement, information handling, Sino-HongKong logistics, and main land logistics operation. These services target multiple suppliers on the upper stream and are present throughout the whole procurement process. They can also help businesses optimize supply chain structure, improve product qualities and market competitiveness.

  • 商务岗


    1.  具备较好的语言表达及沟通协作能力,较强的客户服务意识;

    2.  工作积极主动,责任心和团队意识较强,具有一定的抗压能力。



  • 商务岗


    1.  具备较好的语言表达及沟通协作能力,较强的客户服务意识;

    2.  工作积极主动,责任心和团队意识较强,具有一定的抗压能力。



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